2 min readFeb 5, 2022

New information about the supercomputer
Among the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world, 5 are in the U.S., 2 in China, and one each in Germany, Japan, and Italy. These are incredibly powerful machines that are used in a variety of human activities, from finding the best cures for the coronavirus to uncovering the origin of the universe.

Supercomputers are capable of performing quadrillion (that number represents one with 15 zeros) calculations in just one second. They are at the center of a global technology and information race that is particularly fierce between China and the United States.

The Fugaku supercomputer, located at the PIKEN Computational Science Center in Kobe, Japan, is the most powerful and fastest supercomputer in the world at the end of 2021, according to the Top500, which ranks computers around the world. It costs more than $1 billion, has a power consumption level of 29,899 kW, the number of cores is 7,630,848, and the maximum performance is 442,010 teraflops.

But quite recently, Facebook, the brainchild of major corporation Meta, announced a powerful new supercomputer that is expected to be the world’s fastest when completed by the end of this year.
Facebook announced that their computer will be used to create even more advanced artificial intelligence models, as well as to improve operations that process huge amounts of data.

The Meta supercomputer, though still under development, is already operational. The company calls it the AI Research SuperCluster or RSC. The developers are confident that the machine will become a reliable assistant for people studying artificial intelligence, and will help create more advanced AI models that will learn from trillions of samples.

Meta hopes that its brainchild will help develop entirely new models of artificial intelligence. In particular, the company plans to launch real-time voice translation that can be used by groups of people interacting in business or social situations. The supercomputer will also be useful in critical situations, such as identifying malicious context and misinformation.