2 min readSep 20, 2022

AI and limited memory

There are many different terms used in the field of artificial intelligence, which can be very, very difficult to make sense of. In particular, limited memory is often referred to in the context of AI. And this term is nothing but the name of one of the types of artificial intelligence.

Constrained memory includes a set of machine learning models capable of extracting data from information that has been previously learned. It can be a variety of facts, entered into a database, and events that have happened. This type of artificial intelligence can learn from past information; it analyses actions and data sets, thereby creating exploratory knowledge.
It is the limited memory that underlies the use of virtual assistants, various chatbots, as well as drone machines, and other similar technologies.

Drones, often referred to as autonomous vehicles, use a limited memory technique, which is based on the complex analysis of collected and integrated data. The vehicle is controlled by analyzing the surrounding terrain, identifying patterns, and changing external factors. At the same time, drones adapt to changes as needed.

Such vehicles monitor their surroundings and simultaneously analyze the behavior of other road users who are caught in their cameras. Based on this data, artificial intelligence performs an analysis and, if necessary, decides to change speed or driving direction. Previously, when limited memory technology was not yet in use, it took about a hundred seconds for artificial intelligence to make decisions based on environmental factors. Now, with the implementation of constrained memory technology, the speed of response has increased many times over.

Artificial Intelligence has entered our lives, and its growth and development are driving the development of various industries. As a result, the same restricted-memory method is causing science fiction to become our reality.