2 min readNov 10, 2022

AI and fiction

In the beginning, artificial intelligence helped us to choose the most suitable content for our interests, now it can write itself. Computers in today’s world have become more than just a tool whose main function is to help humans. Now they have taken on the role of creator, and this has yielded unexpectedly good results.

Now scientists are 100% sure that in a few more years and artificial intelligence may well write a real bestseller. However, it is already possible to assess the potential abilities of AI in fiction. Google Corporation is working with several American universities to improve the natural language of AI. To this end, more than eleven thousand novels have been analyzed by machines, and this has helped neural networks understand the nuances of human language.

During one experiment with an AI trained in this way, the computer received two sentences and was able to write several poems based on them. And in China, the publishers went even further, Cheers Publishing offered a collection of poems written by AI. For training purposes, in this case, the computer studied more than 500 sonnets and was able to create more than 10,000 different poems based on them. The publication included 139 of the most successful versions.

Another example of the successful application of AI in fiction is the experience of Pablos Gervas, an American doctor of computer science. It took him almost 17 years to teach a robot to write poems imitating the work of Spanish poets from the Golden Age. And the result is very promising.

In Japan, AI already participates in literary contests on par with humans. These can be fully computer-written works or partially completed works. So far, computers have not managed to win, but they have successfully passed several qualifying rounds. As the critiques show, such works lack psychological descriptions, although they are not badly structured and even interesting.

At the same time, all the researchers are sure that a robot cannot become an adequate substitute for a human in creativity, since the works of AI are devoid of emotion. But who knows what the future holds?