2 min readNov 14, 2022

​​ AI and Art

Artificial Intelligence has been creating works of art for years, which can successfully compete with the creations of human hands. But at the same time, such creativity raises a lot of questions, in particular, whether it can be classified as art. And can an AI become an artist? Or maybe all the laurels for the works of the computer rightfully belong to the programmer or the artist whose works were used to train the AI?

The famous artist Roma Lipsky, who now lives in Berlin, has long had an AI-powered clever assistant. The computer offers him lots of sketches of landscapes, for example, and Lipsky uses them as a source of inspiration or a kind of starting point from which he creates his interpretations. And such an assistant has many advantages — he is ready to work at any time, he never gets sick, and he doesn’t even need to be paid. Artificial intelligence becomes a real partner, but it is not able to completely replace a person. The AI analyzes paintings previously painted by the author, takes them apart step by step, and then supplements them with entirely new strokes and details that fit the author’s style of work.

Many artists, musicians, and writers use AI technology in their daily practice. Artificial intelligence helps them discover new ways to successfully express themselves. A trained computer participates in the creative process, and collaborative creativity can produce stunning results.

AI is also being used in music. Recently an album by a girl called Roto was released where her voice sounds together with artificial intelligence. To create such a work, the artist uploaded data about her singing, as well as that of a small ensemble, to a special program. After analyzing this information, the AI provided voice samples that matched the range of the performer’s voice. And the human-machine music came out very interesting.

But at the same time, so far, it’s becoming clear that in creativity you can’t do without a human. Creative works created exclusively by AI remain too predictable, and too mechanical. Therefore, at this stage, artificial intelligence can be used as a good artistic tool, but it cannot take on the function of a creator.