2 min readJun 17, 2021

AI allows computers to learn from their own experience, to adapt to given parameters, and to perform tasks that previously only humans could do.
Nowadays, AI is already involved in many areas of human activity, but we don’t notice it. Implementing AI has the potential to improve important economic indicators for companies.

Consider the customer service industry. In early 2018, Forrester Consulting conducted a study on the use of artificial intelligence in customer service, with 429 executives in the field as respondents. A key takeaway from the report was the assertion that combining effective technology and the ability of professionals to interact with customers on an emotional level provides increased satisfaction for both customers and the professionals themselves. Businesses that have combined AI with human resources tell us that their customer service activity has become more efficient and has led to the higher customer (61%) and professional (69%) satisfaction.

In customer service, artificial intelligence has evolved to the point where it can address the challenges of improving operational efficiency, creating differentiated customer experiences, and realizing new revenue streams. Artificial Intelligence can automate repetitive specialist tasks, thereby speeding up the processing of requests. In addition, this technology will optimize the capture and processing of requests, allowing professionals to build a more personalized relationship with customers. Artificial Intelligence can be used to predict needs based on context, preferences, and previous requests, as well as provide recommendations, solve problems, send notifications and offers.
The technology also provides the ability to detect patterns in large data sets and uncover new analytics that companies can use to offer customers new services and generate new revenue streams.